It is a value base retailer offering huge selection of common household items in categories such as health & beauty, house wares, crafts, stationery, greeting cards and more.
Brand / Name and customer loyalty built steadily for over 10 years (over 200 reviews @ 4+ Stars on Google – compare competition at lower ratings at mid-3 stars)
Strong marketing programs (Senior’s Day, Teacher Discount Program, B2B Discounts, Balloon Service Program, etc)
Strong Gross Profit Margin Average – 50%
Facilities: Premium fixtures, new POS terminals, LED lighting, new vinyl window graphics and more in this spacious 5,787 SF store.
Good anchors like Tim Horton’s /McDonald’s across street, full registration Daycare and busy gym that compliments this business.
Ample customer parking. Own loading area with proximity to garbage disposal.
Growth/Expansion: The dollar store and discount retail market is growing and this established business is perfectly poised to take advantage of it. You can immediately step into a developed and established business.