Overhead Doors and Exterior Services Business


Overhead Doors and Exterior Services Business

Prix demandé: 500 000 $
Revenu: 736 256 $
Flux de trésorerie: Non-divulgué
BAIIDA: Non-divulgué
Numéro de référence : 4049
Secteur d'activité : Building & Construction
Lieu : East Kootenay, British Columbia
Contact Number: (403) 615-6622
Vues : 1024

This is an opportunity to acquire and operate a profitable, established, turn-key business successfully operating in East Kootenay region of BC, offering tremendous growth possibilities!

The current owner established this company in 2005 and is ready to retire. The business has good reputation in the area and specializes in installation and servicing of industrial, commercial and residential overhead doors and openers, property gate operators, as well as sales and installation of vinyl decking, aluminum railings, roll shutters and screens, awnings, and eave troughs. The business provides its services throughout the East Kootenay region, from Kimberley to Golden.

The business has all necessary equipment and vehicles and carries sufficient inventory to make sure it can provide service to its customers on a timely basis. The owner operates the business on a full-time basis with the assistance of two full-time and one part-time employees. Most of the business up to this point has been generated through word of mouth and a website, with minimal advertising. The demand for these services has been growing every year, as more residents and businesses are moving into the area.

The business is operated from a leased shop in an industrial park. The trading hours of the business are Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

No licenses or certification are needed to operate the business. General knowledge of the construction industry and/or construction experience would be deemed an asset. The seller has agreed to assist the incoming buyer with three months of training to accommodate a smooth transition, and will also be available for consultation afterwards.

Marché et avantages compétitifs: 
Additional Business Details
Valeur de l'immobilier / prix: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur de l'inventaire: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur des équipements: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Durée du bail: 
Actifs, formation et support
Liste des principaux actifs: 
Soutien & formation: 
Raison de la vente
Détails de l'entreprise
une franchise: 
Vente d'actifs: 
Entreprise style-de-vie: 
À domicile: 
Propiétaire non présent: 
Financement par le propriétaire disponible: 
Autres détails
Année de création: 
2 005
Durée de la possession: 
Employé(e)s à temps plein: 
Employé(e)s à temps partiel: 
Proforma - Facts Sheet
Coût marchandises vendues: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (h): 
Coût main d'oeuvre-cadres: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (com.): 
Coût d'occupation: 
Impôts fonciers et taxes d'affaires: 
Marketing et promotion: 
Coûts généraux: 

Contact this Seller

Broker - Agent

Paul Marchenko

Real Estate Broker

(403) 615-6622

Signature Business Brokers

Real Estate Agency