Coyote Moon Cantina & Espresso Bar


Coyote Moon Cantina & Espresso Bar

Prix demandé: 720 000 $
Revenu: Non-divulgué
Flux de trésorerie: Non-divulgué
BAIIDA: Non-divulgué
Numéro de référence : A2104163
Secteur d'activité : Food & Beverage
Lieu : Calgary, Alberta
Contact Number: (403) 542-7253
Vues : 251

Land, Building and Business For Sale!Coyote Moon Cantina & Espresso Bar has been operating on Main St in Diamond Valley (the former Turner Valley) since 2007, serving up great food to the locals and folks travelling on the Cowboy Trail.

There is a wonderful warmth to the building, which was originally build as a fire station and then it became the Town Hall. The interior boasts lots of wood accents, character wooden tables and chairs, high ceilings and a wood burning fireplace to add heat and ambiance. The menu serves up a great offering of solid breakfast and lunch items, the kind of food that you would expect in a small town, delicious, rustic and well priced. From burgers to bennies, sandwiches and salads, there is something for anyone.

If a new owner wanted to open for dinner they could expand the hours and the annual revenue quite easily. The restaurant sits across the street from the baseball & soccer fields, outdoor swimming pool & waterpark and community centre, as well as the ice rink, Sheep River Library and the Diamond Valley Municipal Campground.

The current owners are ready to retire and hand over the reins to a new owner with new ideas and energy. Call for a tour of this wonderful chance to own your building and business in a growing community only 45 minutes from Calgary.

202 Main Street NW, Diamond Valley, Alberta T0L2A0

Marché et avantages compétitifs: 
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Valeur de l'immobilier / prix: 
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Durée du bail: 
Actifs, formation et support
Liste des principaux actifs: 
Soutien & formation: 
Raison de la vente
Détails de l'entreprise
une franchise: 
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Propiétaire non présent: 
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Durée de la possession: 
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Proforma - Facts Sheet
Coût marchandises vendues: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (h): 
Coût main d'oeuvre-cadres: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (com.): 
Coût d'occupation: 
Impôts fonciers et taxes d'affaires: 
Marketing et promotion: 
Coûts généraux: 

Contact this Seller

Broker - Agent

Rob Campbell

Real Estate Broker

(403) 542-7253


Real Estate Agency