il Chianti Italian Restaurant


il Chianti Italian Restaurant

Prix demandé: 298 000 $
Revenu: Non-divulgué
Flux de trésorerie: Non-divulgué
BAIIDA: Non-divulgué
Numéro de référence : A2138716
Secteur d'activité : Food & Beverage
Lieu : Calgary, Alberta
Contact Number: (403) 542-7253
Vues : 132

Calgary has a long history of family owned restaurants that have become staples of the dining scene, and this is the opportunity to purchase one of those institutions.

With more than 45yrs of serving some of the best Italian food in the city, il Chianti is one of the best remaining authentic Italian restaurants in the city. Located in the heart of “Little Italy”, this 1750 sqft restaurant is absolutely immaculate, with a beautifully simple decor that is tasteful and elegant but still casual.

There is a small bar in the dining room with lots of spaces to display the excellent wine selection. The kitchen is just the right size to be comfortable for cooks and servers and it is one of the cleanest that I have been in. There is also a 600 sqft basement, with storage, prep area, Walk in cooler, wine/liquor room and an office.

There is lots of parking in the lot out front, as well as lots of street parking all around. The neighbourhood has lots of established residents and new infill homes with a brand new 6 story apartment building right next door. If you are looking to get into the restaurant business, with the advantage of leveraging 45yrs of history, this is the perfect deal for you.

Call and book a tour of this amazing opportunity soon!

277 20 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E1R1

Marché et avantages compétitifs: 
Additional Business Details
Valeur de l'immobilier / prix: 
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Valeur de l'inventaire: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur des équipements: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Durée du bail: 
Actifs, formation et support
Liste des principaux actifs: 
Soutien & formation: 
Raison de la vente
Détails de l'entreprise
une franchise: 
Vente d'actifs: 
Entreprise style-de-vie: 
À domicile: 
Propiétaire non présent: 
Financement par le propriétaire disponible: 
Autres détails
Durée de la possession: 
Employé(e)s à temps plein: 
Employé(e)s à temps partiel: 
Proforma - Facts Sheet
Coût marchandises vendues: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (h): 
Coût main d'oeuvre-cadres: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (com.): 
Coût d'occupation: 
Impôts fonciers et taxes d'affaires: 
Marketing et promotion: 
Coûts généraux: 

Contact this Seller

Broker - Agent

Rob Campbell

Real Estate Broker

(403) 542-7253


Real Estate Agency