Established Maternity Boutique for Sale


Established Maternity Boutique for Sale

Prix demandé: 189 000 $
Revenu: Non-divulgué
Flux de trésorerie: Non-divulgué
BAIIDA: Non-divulgué
Numéro de référence :
Secteur d'activité : Retail
Lieu : Calgary, Alberta
Contact Number: (587) 215-2245
Vues : 483

This successful maternity boutique has been a trusted brand for nearly 20 years and offers infinite possibilities for growth in areas that are well underway, including social media influencing, franchising, a wholesale in-house brand, increase in product selection and expansion to international markets.

Starting out as a brick-and-mortar shop, this business has transitioned to an online platform however does hold great potential to establish another retail location if desired. Due to the online nature of this business, new owners could operate the store from any location and could scale the business to suit their business goals.

High margins, long-term relationships with both overseas and Canadian manufacturers and minimal competition have contributed to the success of this boutique. The current owners have developed strong relationships with industry specialists including doulas, midwives, sleep coaches, and photographers. There are many opportunities for cross-promotions with other small businesses.

This boutique has developed an in-house brand which has been trademarked in Canada and is currently the best-selling brand within the store. The business benefits from longtime relationships with world-wide brands and celebrity clientele. Repeat orders are 24-30% of the overall business with an average order value of $140.00. Average sales are approximately $45,000 per month.

The website is well developed with established SEO and includes apps to assist in business processes including returns management, sizing charts, colour swatches and product reviews. The website is one of Canada’s most visited maternity boutique sites with 20,000 visits per month.

There is an established newsletter, social media presence and advertising templates available to ensure an efficient transition. There are thousands of professional photographs owned by the business that can be used for marketing efforts.

The current owner will provide training and support during the initial transition period.

The list price for this business is $189,000 plus inventory of approximately $160,000.

Interested buyers can contact Ken Wither at (587) 215-2245.

After the phone call, inquirers who are still interested will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and complete a confidential buyer questionnaire to give us a snapshot of who you are. This covers relevant business skills, credit rating, and liquid cash available.

Once initial documents are returned specific details and financials of the business will be shared. Business owners or staff are not to be approached directly.

To protect confidentiality, the attached picture is for marketing purposes only and not an actual depiction of the business for sale.

Marché et avantages compétitifs: 
Additional Business Details
Valeur de l'immobilier / prix: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur de l'inventaire: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur des équipements: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Durée du bail: 
Actifs, formation et support
Liste des principaux actifs: 
Soutien & formation: 
Raison de la vente
Détails de l'entreprise
une franchise: 
Vente d'actifs: 
Entreprise style-de-vie: 
À domicile: 
Propiétaire non présent: 
Financement par le propriétaire disponible: 
Autres détails
Durée de la possession: 
Employé(e)s à temps plein: 
Employé(e)s à temps partiel: 
Proforma - Facts Sheet
Coût marchandises vendues: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (h): 
Coût main d'oeuvre-cadres: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (com.): 
Coût d'occupation: 
Impôts fonciers et taxes d'affaires: 
Marketing et promotion: 
Coûts généraux: 

Contact this Seller

Broker - Agent

Ken Wither

Real Estate Broker

(587) 215-2245

Acuity Business Group

Certified Real Estate Brokerage