Pizza franchise located in a very important food court in Ottawa.
Easy operation with limited hours.
Possibility of financing by the bank.
Rapid return on investment. Great rent for 10 years.
Description :
Pizza franchise with a worldwide reputation located in a very busy food court. Easy concept of operation and an excellent return on investment. Very advantageous lease. The rent is: $25,000 the 1st year, $30,000 the 2nd year, $35,000 the 3rd year and increased by consumer price index the following years.
Ventes/Sales 260,000 100%
Coûts des marchandises/Cost of goods 75,000 29%
Profit brut/Gross profit 185,000 71%
Coûts d'opération/Total expenses 134,256 52%
Revenus discrétionnaires du vendeur/Seller's discreditionnary earning(RDV/SDE) $50,744 20%