Pub Restaurant


Pub Restaurant

Prix demandé: 595 000 $
Revenu: Non-divulgué
Flux de trésorerie: Non-divulgué
BAIIDA: Non-divulgué
Numéro de référence : 969324
Secteur d'activité : Food & Beverage
Lieu : Langford, British Columbia
Contact Number: (250) 986-8900
Vues : 150

This is a rare opportunity to acquire a liquor primary pub/restaurant in a great high-traffic location in one of Victoria's fastest-growing communities.

This business has been in operation for over a decade and is run by an absentee owner with management staff in place. The business has the highly sought-after liquor primary license which allows the business to operate as a bar which gives the operators flexibility in how they operate. Despite being a liquor primary, the pub has a massive and fully vented commercial kitchen space capable of handling the 200-seat restaurant with ease while providing ample prep space for catering opportunities.

The recent approval of a Secondary Education Campus, just a short distance away will bring a brand new young demographic to the already busy area and continue to push sales to new highs.The pub is fully turn-key and only requires a re-branding to be operational. The price of the business is less than half the cost of the build-out in today’s market and offers a great opportunity for an operator to acquire a great pub/restaurant location with a proven track record of sales.

This opportunity to acquire this business with its liquor primary license and fully turnkey build-out provides a savvy operator with a great opportunity to establish themselves in an already proven location. With build-out costs reaching all-time highs and the extreme amount of time required for licensing of a liquor primary license, this opportunity truly represents great value in today's market that will the next operator to be operational and profitable immediately.

Additional Business Details
Valeur de l'immobilier / prix: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur de l'inventaire: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Valeur des équipements: 
Inclu dans le prix: 
Durée du bail: 
Actifs, formation et support
Soutien & formation: 
Raison de la vente
Détails de l'entreprise
une franchise: 
Vente d'actifs: 
Entreprise style-de-vie: 
À domicile: 
Propiétaire non présent: 
Financement par le propriétaire disponible: 
Autres détails
Durée de la possession: 
Employé(e)s à temps plein: 
Employé(e)s à temps partiel: 
Proforma - Facts Sheet
Coût marchandises vendues: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (h): 
Coût main d'oeuvre-cadres: 
Coût main d'oeuvre (com.): 
Coût d'occupation: 
Impôts fonciers et taxes d'affaires: 
Marketing et promotion: 
Coûts généraux: 

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Kane Ryan

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